Write a free-space regular expression in Regex101, paste it in the top box, and the bottom box will compile it. Put the compiled regex in your code, and the free-space source in your comments.
What's this?
This tool lets you write regexes that look like this:
# When using http://, allow any domain
https?:\/\/ [a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )*
# When using www., expect at least one more dot
www \. [a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )+
# Otherwise, allow any domain, but only if
[a-z0-9-]+ ( \. [a-z0-9-]+ )* \.
# followed either a common TLD...
com? | org | net | edu | info | us | jp
# or any 2-3 letter TLD followed by : or /
[a-z]{2,3} (?=[:\/])
Instead of this:
It's called a free-space regular expression: it ignores whitespace, so you can line-break and indent it however you want. To actually search for a space, use \
. You can also add comments starting with #
Actually using this kind of regex is complicated. If you want an extra dependency, you could install Regex+, but that's not an option in config files, VS Code's search tool, or whatever else. Instead, you could write your free-space regex in a comment, convert it here, and then put the regular regex in your config file or wherever else!